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Send us error logs

Log files help us investigate any errors you’re encountering in MyPortal3E

Updated over a year ago

The community support team is here to help with any technical issues. To do that, we sometimes need a little more information before we can solve your issue, so we'll ask you to download and share your log file. Log files enable our engineers to investigate the exact errors you're experiencing so we can fix them faster for you and other MyPortal3E users.

Found a bug?

If you’re experiencing an issue, please get in touch with us through the messenger in the app or via email at and let us know. Helpful information to include:

  • What you were doing in the app before you experienced the issue

  • What happened, and what you expected to happen instead

  • The text of the error message (and the number, if there is one)

  • If you’re using our web app, which browser and version you’re using

  • If you’re using our mobile app, your phone model and if your version of Android or iOS

  • Screenshots and screen recordings if possible — these really help us understand what you’re experiencing.

This article outlines how to save your log file to share with the MyPortal3E team.

Saving your log file will be a bit different for each browser. In most browsers, you can pull up the developer console by pressing Option + Command + I (or Ctrl + Shift + I on Windows). Follow these steps to find the log file using the most common browsers:


1. Click Options next to your icon in the top right of your browser

2. Select More tools, and then Developer Tools.

3. Right-click on any of the messages and select Save as to save your log file.


  1. Click the Tools tab.

  2. Select Browser Tools and then Browser Console.

  3. Right-click on any of the messages, select Export Visible Messages To, and then File to save the file to your computer.


  1. Navigate to Preferences, select Advanced, and then Show develop menu in menu bar.

  2. Click on Develop, select Show JavaScript Console

  3. Go to the Console tab, copy the content, and paste it into a message to us.

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